Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This is what I feel like doing this week.....just screaming...AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

We have had a heck of a week. School has started and always brings its own class, new kiddos....trying to figure it all out. Then, last Thursday Gavin was home sick and Wesley broke his pinky at school. What a mess. Gavin ended up feeling better and went to school on Friday. We had a tball tourney then on Sat/Sun. Gavin was kinda stopped up and had a really stiff neck. We thought he had just slept on his neck wrong.....he'd been sleeping on a pillow that would have caused it. Sunday it got worse and his mother ended up taking him the the ER on Monday. Well, they wanted to do a spinal tap to rule out meningitis...YIKES!! I was just sick thinking about this poor child having to go through all this. They got it done and he did great. He came home. He couldn't walk AT ALL!!! Poor thing was just doubled over in pain from his back!!! The next night he went back to Michelle's so she could take him to the dr the next day for a follow up and he started throwing up and was having HORRID headaches. Michelle took Gavin to Children's ER. They basically think that it may have been viral meningitis and he's over it. His headachs are called spinal cord headaches from the tap and are supposedly horrendous to endure.....especially for a 5 year old. Anyway....he's still stopped up, yucky, and weak so Carolina and I are staying with Moonie and Grumpy for now. It's easier on us anyway so we don't have to drive back and forth. Now daddy is sick too......I may never go back! :)

1 comment:

~Kim said...

Oh my gosh! Poor Gavin! I wonder why the spinal tap didn't show that? Please tell me the docs at Children's gave him some good pain meds? I would so stay at Moonie and Grumpy's too....much safer and quieter! Jonas is a big boy, he can take care of himself!

Hang in there Aimee...that picture of Carolina is HILARIOUS! Makes me want to scream with her.
