Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am Thankful for.....

My husband who irritates me to no end and keeps me on my toes, but reminds me I'm married to a wonderful man (most of the time)! :)

My two boys, who drive me to drinkin' with their arguing, but remind me I'm a mother (by chance) of two wonderful boys.

My daughter who never lets me sit, but reminds me what true love is. She is the biggest joy of my life!

My parents, who still treat me like a child sometimes, but remind me how much I am loved. They also remind me of what true sacrifice is.....they have giving so much of themselves to help me.

My younger brother, who reminds me to chill!

My older brother, who reminds me how happy I am to be OUT of highschool! UGH!

My niece and nephews, who remind me how strong you can be when adversity comes your way.

My friends, true friends that keep me together and have saved me millions of $ by being my shrinks and having dinner dates with adult beverages.

My home, although the size of a crackerjack box, reminds me of togetherness!! hahahh! Get me the hell outta here! :)

My clutter, that reminds me I have a job that allows me to buy all this crap!

Happy Tgiving ALL!!!!!

1 comment:

Keli Cartwright said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I miss you and our crazy time spent together! I cracked up when you said Bryan and Creighton (Kaylas's Husband) look alike, they really do!