Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fun times this weekend!

Havin' fun with Daddy!

Conked out!
Smiley girl!

Jumpy Jumper...tryin' to be serious!

Oh and I completely forgot to tell you!!!!! We have TWO teeth on the bottom. Came in a week ago Friday! She loves those teeth and is really liking more food. She isn't as picky as mommy. She actually tried green beans... YUCK!...and didn't puke, although she wasn't real thrilled either. She does LOVE squash...something mommy won't try and pears! Another great addition.....NASTY POOP! WOW, how things change with food!!! hahhah!

Seems to be getting some more teeth on top. Her gums look pretty swollen.
Until next time..... :)


Watching the game with daddy....before he had his fit! :)

I'm a bad, bad blogger, but since no one reads this dang thing....I don't feel so bad! :)

I'm posting quite a bit today b/c 1) I'm bored 2) I want to load some cute pics of my little one! :) The boys were at their mom's this weekend :( So no pics of those cuties....but we will be in Chickasha this weekend for a baseball tourney so more will be added soon! :)

Even though the Tarheels blew it this year....we got our precious Carolina Bleu that our hears will NEVER doubt! Here she is cheering on her Tarheels!!

Easter 2008

Carolina in her pretty Easter dress....compliments to my friend Kim who found the cute attire. I was on the search and couldn't find anything cute in 0-3 months....Even though Carolina was 5.5 months at Easter! :) She's still a little squirt! We have moved up to 3-6 months outfits now though. We're growing...just slowly.
Mommy and Carolina
Of course I couldn't get EVERYONE to look at me at the same time.

See?!?! :)